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Discover Wine


With so many varieties to choose from, it is hard to know where even to begin learning about wine. Let Bosque De La Vega take you behind the scenes and beyond the label — you’ll soon see that the rich array of styles doesn’t make wine daunting; it simply makes for a more exciting journey.


GRAPE: Each grape variety has its own genetic code which helps shape its flavours as well as playing a role in determining tannin, acid, and alcohol. The climate and soils in which grapes are grown, however, can affect these traits to an even greater degree, thereby allowing any given variety to manifest in myriad styles.


Region: Different Regions have varying levels of heat, sunshine, wind , and many other factors. These all profoundly impact the wine's flavor, body , and overall character.


Production: Once the grapes make it to the winery there is still much work to do, as people can greatly affect wines. Use of Oak or steel & selecting the strains of fermentation yeasts are but a few of the elements shaping wine.


Alcohol: Determines body and perception of sweetness, can lend warmth


Acid: Gives sensation of "freshness" or "cut", mostly felt on the sides of the tongue


Tannins: Creates mouth feel and astrigency, help wines to age, provides foundation


Flavors: Citrus, mineral, floral, and infinite variety, some subjective, others objective


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